Tuesday 12 May 2015

This Month in Fibreglass: May 2015

This month's mad mix of mouldings merges middle-east motors, a fifteen-foot fantastic floating Thunderbird and selfie-sticks for sad social media snaps.

Dubai-ous Circumstances

For the 21st Century boy racer that really needs to make a statement.
While most of us worry about the price of petrol, a thought may be spared for those who have lived in the country where that petrol is dug up. A strange phenomenon is happening in Dubai, some people are abandoning the country and also abandoning their treasured exotic motor cars. Extreme debt legislation and no bankruptcy means it is better to flee than face the music.
Sand blasted F40, one careful lady owner - used it just for church.
It's safe to say I would happily home any of the cars listed here on this site because I am a charitable sort, although I must warn any car fans, clicking the link may cause some reader distress.


Virgil on patrol, maybe checking out the ladies. Who knows.
No, thunder floats - but that isn't really a pun. There is a new animated series of Thunderbirds on ITV and to mark the occasion some clever people have produced a fibreglass replica of Thunderbird 4 and sailed it up the Thames. I don't know why I bothered to type that as the picture really does make it pretty obvious. Apologies. Here then, is the legal click here for full story link.

Self Arming

Even Zombies carry camera phones these days
I have fallen so low that I am writing a piece about this selfie-stick made from a fibreglass mannequin. This, people, is the problem with modern life.

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