Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Wasting Fibreglass: The ugliest cars ever!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say. Beauty is opinion too, this I know. However, what was going through the minds of the people who designed these cars, I will never know. To celebrate the best of the worst in wanton wastes of fibreglass, I have searched the internet for the ugliest fibreglass cars and displayed them here for your amusement. Personally, I cried a bit putting this list together.

To ease us into this uncomfortable list, a Laser 917. The seventies were brilliant, weren't they?

The Jetstream SC250. A great car, just weird looking.

Inspired by a ride-on mower, this one.

Designed from a photo of Miss Piggy.

So, manufacturers can produce some wacky stuff but I tend to think the enthusiastic amateur can do better.

Waste of fibreglass? Oh yes.

Just, wow. Credit where it's due though.

I think it's fibreglass but it could be papier mache or even icing.

But my personal favourite...........

Words escape me.

Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you know of a four wheeled waste of fibreglass that needs to be added, please comment.

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